
Two Gentle Forms of Retinol That Pack All The Power Without The Punch

Eva Applying Retinol Anti Aging Cream to Face

Two Gentle Forms of Retinol For Your Anti-Aging Skincare Routine

It’s time for us to discuss an icon in the world of anti-aging skincare ingredients. Yes, I’m talking about retinol (i.e. retinoids, vitamin A derivatives). You may have heard of retinol, but how about its more gentle cousin, Retinyl Palmitate? Or its step brother, the retinoic ester Hydroxypinacolone Retinoate? In this article, we cover these two alternative, gentler forms of retinol, their affects to your skin, and why we chose to use them both in Stråla One.

So, What Are Retinoids? And, Any Side Effects When Used in Skincare?

In general, Retinoids are a vitamin A derivative that are added to topical skincare products to promote skin renewal, improve skin tone, help unclog pores, and boost collagen production. Retinoids act primarily as an exfoliator.

And, although they are touted for their anti-aging benefits, retinoids can be too harsh for people with sensitive skin. Many people are all too familiar with the irksome side effects they can have, such as redness, itching, peeling, and a burning sensation, especially for those with more sensitive skin.

Eva Applying Retinol Anti Aging Cream to Face
There are four common variations of these vitamin A derivatives: retinoic acid, retinol, retinaldehyde, and retinyl palmitate. Most potent and most likely to cause skin irritation is retinoic acid. Least potent and least likely to cause irritation is retinyl palmitate. The two other forms, retinol and retinaldehyde, fall in between on the potency and irritation scale.

Retinyl Palmitate - The Mildest Form of Retinol

Retinyl Palmitate is the most gentle form of retinol synthesized from vitamin A that is perfect for people with sensitive skin. Retinyl Palmitate may be less harsh than the other forms of retinoids, but, considering the power of they have, less potency may not be a bad thing, especially if you wanted to implement a retinoid consistently into your anti-aging skincare routine.

Hydroxypinacolone Retinoate (HPR): A Gentle Retinoic Acid Ester

Then there’s Hydroxypinacolone Retinoate (HPR). It’s a retinoic acid ester that is similar to retinoic acid. This ingredient binds directly to the retinoid receptors of the skin to produce its effects. Because it doesn’t have to be converted to retinoic acid (as other forms of retinol do), it comes without the intense harshness of other forms of retinol.

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Benefits: Retinyl Palmitate and Hydroxypinacolone Retinoate (HPR) for the Face, Neck, Hands

Retinyl Palmitate and HPR have plenty of anti-aging benefits for aging skin, including:

  1. Promotion of skin cell rejuvenation and skin tone
  2. Reduction of hyperpigmentation and blemishes
  3. Unclogging of pores by reducing sebum production
  4. Slowing down the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. helps thicken the dermis to slow down the formation of wrinkles.
  5. Hinders breakdown of collagen and stimulates production of collagen

Slow and steady is the key to the retinoid game. Consistent use of the mild forms will deliver the best results over time.

Who should use Retinyl Palmitate and HPR?

Since both Retinyl Palmititate and Hydroxypinacolone Retinoate are processed differently by the body, they work well for all skin types. it’s a great option for almost all skin types and anyone who want to keep their pores clear and skin youthful.

Tips to Use Retinoids for Face, Neck, Hand Rejuvenation

Retinoids have exfoliating properties and as such should not be used with other exfoliants – whether chemical or otherwise. This includes straying away from harsh scrubs.

Always apply a sunscreen when using retinoids in a skincare routine because they make skin more sensitive to sun exposure. Especially on places like your face, neck, hands, and arms, which are more consistently exposed to UV rays. In general, a good habit is to always wear a broad spectrum sunscreen during the day to protect yourself from UV A and UV B rays.

The anti-aging benefits to your face, neck, and hands from retinoids are compounded by the use of antioxidants. For instance, Stråla One contains ultra-concentrated antioxidant vitamins (C & E) in Nordic cloudberry to enhance the benefits from the Retinyl Palmitate and HPR in the formula. The cloudberry acts synergistically with the retinoids to target free-radical damage and reduce signs of aging. Together these two are powerful anti-aging agents.

Aging is a natural process that cannot be prevented. Over time sun exposure, stress, diet, and other factors can lead to dull, wrinkled skin. However, as the Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine, Heidi Waldorf says “retinoids as a class of ingredients are the ones with the most scientific evidence of anti-aging action,” and they’re here to stay.

Winter in Northern Sweden Is Harsh For The Skin

Retinoids in Swedish Skincare

As always, we follow a Swedish (well, Scandinavian, in general) skincare philosophy that maximizes value through high utility and simplicity. It’s this minimalist approach to skincare that we brought to the next level when we developed Stråla One. It’s why we spent so many years researching and developing a single high-powered anti-aging solution. It’s why we developed our own proprietary anti-aging complex (Aktiv-8 Cellulär Komplex). And, it’s why we choose to use Retinyl Palmitate and Hydroxypinacolone Retinoate (HPR) in Stråla One.

As always, research, experiment, innovate, do what is best for your skin, do whatever it is that makes you happiest. And, most importantly, continue to radiate!

Nicole Winter

Stråla Founder

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